April 1, 2014
Executive Summary
1. Call to Order
Chair Zonderman called the thirteenth meeting of the sixtieth session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.
2. Approval of the Minutes, Meetings No. 11 & 12: February 18, 2014, March 18, 2014
Separate motions passed to approve the minutes.
3. Remarks and Q/A, Provost Arden
Provost Arden took questions from the Senators.
4. Presentation, Lisa Johnson, University Architect
Lisa, Johnson (University Architect) presented a PowerPoint on the Physical Master Plan updates. The Master Plan is updated every five years. They started updating the plan in fall of 2012, which involved more than 300 faculty, staff, and students. Lisa highlighted some of the updates and took questions from the Senators.
Lisa Johnson’s presentation is available online at
5. Old/New Business
“Non –Substantive Revision” to General Faculty Bylaws
Chair Zonderman stated that the General Faculty Bylaws usually can only be revised in any substantive manner by the General Faculty, but there is a provision for the Senate to make non-substantive revisions. The Executive Committee would like the Faculty Senate to agree that deleting one sentence from the bylaws is a non-substantive revision
A motion was made and seconded to delete the sentence “Faculty who are working towards degrees at North Carolina State University are not eligible” to have a voting assignment.
The motion was approved with unanimous support.
Resolution to Reject Boycotts of Academic Institutions – Second Reading
Chair Zonderman stated that the resolution is a more general statement that the Faculty Senate stands against academic boycotts.
After much discussion the resolution was sent back to the Executive Committee for more revisions.
Resolution on Notification for Falsified Results – Second Reading
There was one change to the previous resolution submitted: The faculty recommends that the policy be rewritten so that the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation submits the request to the Editors of the appropriate journals in the unredacted language of the investigation committee.
The resolution passed with unanimous support.
Resolution on Credit Cards for Principal Investigators – Second Reading
There were no changes from the previous reading.
After much discussion, the resolution failed with a vote of five to twelve.
Resolution on Hofmann Forest – Second Reading
The resolution was sent back to the Resources and Environment Committee for further review.
6. Adjourn
A motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 5 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
1. Call to Order
Chair Zonderman called the thirteenth meeting of the sixtieth session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.
2. Approval of the Minutes, Meetings No. 11 & 12: February 18, 2014, March 18, 2014
Separate motions passed to approve the minutes.
3. Remarks and Q/A, Provost Arden
Provost Arden took questions from the Senators.
4. Presentation, Lisa Johnson, University Architect
Lisa, Johnson (University Architect) presented a PowerPoint on the Physical Master Plan updates. The Master Plan is updated every five years. They started updating the plan in fall of 2012, which involved more than 300 faculty, staff, and students. Lisa highlighted some of the updates and took questions from the Senators.
Lisa Johnson’s presentation is available online at
5. Old/New Business
“Non –Substantive Revision” to General Faculty Bylaws
Chair Zonderman stated that the General Faculty Bylaws usually can only be revised in any substantive manner by the General Faculty, but there is a provision for the Senate to make non-substantive revisions. The Executive Committee would like the Faculty Senate to agree that deleting one sentence from the bylaws is a non-substantive revision
A motion was made and seconded to delete the sentence “Faculty who are working towards degrees at North Carolina State University are not eligible” to have a voting assignment.
The motion was approved with unanimous support.
Resolution to Reject Boycotts of Academic Institutions – Second Reading
Chair Zonderman stated that the resolution is a more general statement that the Faculty Senate stands against academic boycotts.
After much discussion the resolution was sent back to the Executive Committee for more revisions.
Resolution on Notification for Falsified Results – Second Reading
There was one change to the previous resolution submitted: The faculty recommends that the policy be rewritten so that the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation submits the request to the Editors of the appropriate journals in the unredacted language of the investigation committee.
The resolution passed with unanimous support.
Resolution on Credit Cards for Principal Investigators – Second Reading
There were no changes from the previous reading.
After much discussion, the resolution failed with a vote of five to twelve.
Resolution on Hofmann Forest – Second Reading
The resolution was sent back to the Resources and Environment Committee for further review.
6. Adjourn
A motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 5 p.m.