April 5, 2016

Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order - Jeannette Moore, Chair of the Faculty

2. Introductory remarks

a.Guests introduce themselves

3. Announcements

a.Topics the committees are addressing are listed on the 2nd page of the agenda. Minutes from each meeting will be posted on the Faculty Senate website.

b.See the 2nd page of the agenda each week for announcements of interest to faculty.

4. Approval of the Minutes, Regular Meeting No. 12 of the 62nd Session, March 22, 2016

Darby Orcutt, Secretary of the Faculty

5. Provost Remarks and Q/A

Warwick Arden, Provost

6.Old and New Business

a.The Faculty Senate Exec Committee opted to not pursue removing Dixie from the Alma Mater. After considerable discussion, this issue has been referred to the students (Khari Cyrus) and the Alumni Association.

b.Update on modifications to the Faculty Grievance and Non-ReappointmentReview regulation (REG 05.25.04) - Governance and Personnel Policy

c.Final recommendation of the Academic Policy Committee relative to UCCC (University Courses and Curricula Committee), CUE (Council on Undergraduate Education), and the GEP (General Education Program) - see Appendix A

d.Results of discussion with the authors of the new Proposed Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace regulation - Governance and Personnel Policy; see Appendix B

e.Update on discussion relative to DASA (Division of Academic and Student Affairs) proposal to use space in the D.H. Hill Library - Resources and Environment

f.Electing faculty members to Faculty Assembly and to the Council on Athletics

g.Discussion of University College and Faculty Senate representation: Separate Senators or remain in General Constituency?

7. Issues of concern

a.All ongoing Issues of Concern are listed on the Faculty Senate Website at:


b.New Issues of Concern (if any)

8. Adjourn

Executive Summary

1. Call to Order

Chair Moore, called the thirteenth meeting of the sixty-second session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Introductory Remarks

Chair Moore asked visitors to introduce themselves.

3. Announcements

Chair Moore announced:  Senator Paul Williams will receive the Holladay Medal for Excellence, the highest award bestowed by NC State University in recognition of faculty career accomplishments.  President Margaret Spelling is visiting each of the seventeen UNC campuses in the system. She will be visiting NC State soon where she will be meeting with students, staff, and faculty.  The election results have been received and Senator Carolyn Bird has been elected to serve as Chair – elect of the Faculty.  The Faculty Assembly is meeting on Friday and they will be voting on four resolutions 1) House Bill 2 2) To endorse the report of the General Education Council 3) NC GAP resolution 4) The Staff Assembly salary letter resolution to support our staff colleagues’ letter calling for review and policy changes on staff and faculty salaries  Senator JMark Scearce has been reassigned from the College of Design to the Prague Institute, so he has submitted his resignation from the Senate effective today.

4. Approval of the Minutes

Secretary Orcutt called for a motion to approve the minutes for the twelfth meeting of the NC State Faculty Senate. The minutes were approved as submitted.

5. Remarks from Provost Arden

Provost Arden gave an update on searches that are in progress.

6. Old and New Business

  1.  The Faculty Senate Executive Committee opted to not pursue removing Dixie from the Alma Mater. This issue has been referred to the students (Khari Cyrus) and the Alumni Association. Senator Smith McKoy presented a resolution in favor of updating the Alma Mater and asked for input from the senators and visitors. After much discussion, Chair Moore stated that today will count as the first reading of the resolution. The second reading and a discussion/vote will take place at the next meeting
  2.  Update on modifications to the Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review regulation (REG 05.25.04) - Governance and Personnel Policy Chair Moore stated that the Governance and Personnel Policy Committee spent a lot of time discussing and improving the regulation and noted that the report is being circulated through the proper channels.
  3.  Final recommendation of the Academic Policy Committee relative to UCCC (University Courses and Curricula Committee), CUE (Council on Undergraduate Education), and the GEP (General Education Program) During the 2015-16 academic year, the Academic Policy Committee (APC) of the Faculty Senate has been reviewing the processes by which courses and curricula get approved at the university level. The committee has put the report forward to be sent from the Chair to the Provost.
  4. Results of discussion with the authors of the new “Proposed Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace regulation” The Governance and Personnel Policy Committee presented a resolution on the issue. Chair Moore stated that we are in compliance, so this new regulation is being put forward. The resolve in this resolution is that this not be implemented. Today will count as the first reading. The resolution will be on the agenda of the next meeting for a second reading and a vote.
  5.  Update on discussion relative to DASA (Division of Academic and Student Affairs) proposal to use space in the D.H. Hill Library - Resources and Environment Senator Moore gave an update on the discussion relative to DASA’s proposal to use space in the DH Hill Library. She stated that Provost Arden attended their meeting and gave some background on how this came about. Senator Bernhard thanked the Provost for attending the meeting. He further reported that the University Library Committee will meet Thursday of next week when the architects will be there with several different plans. Also included will be people from DASA and people from the library.
  6.  Electing faculty members to Faculty Assembly and to the Council on Athletics Chair Moore stated that the senators will be electing members to the Faculty Assembly and the Council on Athletics now that the elections have concluded. The Senators can solicit faculty members to serve in those roles, so an announcement will be sent out to solicit faculty’s names to serve. Chair Moore announced that the first vote on the Executive Committee will also take place in the next meeting.
  7. Discussion of University College and Faculty Senate representation: Separate Senators or remain in General Constituency? Chair Moore stated that the Senate is set up to have representatives from every college, so earlier in the year there was a discussion that since the University College is a degree granting college with faculty and a dean, they should have Faculty Senate representation. After much discussion on the issue the consensus of the faculty was that the University College should have their own senators. A motion was made and seconded that University College be represented separately from the General Constituency and have 2 senators. The motion passed with unanimous support. The vote was 22 yes and 0 no.

7. Adjournment

A motion passed to adjourn at 4:21 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Faculty Senate

Regular Meeting No. 13 of the 62nd Session: Faculty Senate Chambers

Present: Chair Moore, Secretary Orcutt; Parliamentarian Lubischer, Provost Arden; Senators Ange-van Heugten, Ash, Auerbach, Banks, Bernhard, Bullock, Bykova, Cubbage, Fath, Fleisher, Gunter, Huffman, Laffitte, Moore, Pearce, Perros, Sannes, Smith McKoy, Sotillo, Steer, Williams Excused: Past Chair Zonderman; Senators Bird, Byrnes, Kathariou Absent: Senators Argyropoulos, Bartlett, Davidian, Devetsikiotis, Hergeth, Porter, Silverberg, Smith, Spontak Guests: Roy Baroff, Faculty Ombuds Office; Peter Cowen, PHP Department, CVM; Marcia Gumpertz, OIED; Yuling Lin, ATI, Zhegiang University; Min Jin, ATI, Zhegiang University; Shigin Xin, ATI; Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

1. Call to Order

Chair Moore, called the thirteenth meeting of the sixty-second session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Introductory Remarks

Chair Moore asked visitors to introduce themselves.

3. Announcements

Chair Moore announced:  Senator Paul Williams will be receiving the Holladay Medal for Excellence, the highest award bestowed by NC State University in recognition of faculty career accomplishments.  President Margaret Spelling is visiting each of the seventeen UNC campuses in the system. She will be visiting NC State soon where she will be meeting with students, staff, and faculty.  The election results have been received and Senator Carolyn Bird has been elected to serve as Chair-elect of the Faculty.  The Faculty Assembly is meeting on Friday and they will be voting on four resolutions:
  1. House Bill 2
  2. To endorse the report of the General Education Council
  3. NC GAP resolution
  4. The Staff Assembly salary letter resolution to support our staff colleagues’ letter calling for review and policy changes on staff and faculty salaries Chair Moore announced that she received a notice from Senator J. Mark Scearce stating that he has been reassigned from the College of Design to the Prague Institute so he is resigning as Senator effective today.

4. Approval of the Minutes

Secretary Orcutt called for a motion to approve the minutes for the twelfth meeting of the NC State Faculty Senate. The minutes were approved as submitted.

5. Remarks from Provost Arden

  • Provost Arden gave an update on searches that are in progress. The first candidate for the Dean of the College of Design search will be here tomorrow. There will be three additional candidates over the next three weeks. Provost Arden stated that he is in negotiations with one of the candidates for the Vice Provost for Institutional Equity and Diversity position. He hopes to make an announcement next week.
  • Provost Arden stated that the Assistant Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation is the old Karen Helm position that is being moved under Duane Larick and we have had four candidates on campus for that. Dr. Larick has made a decision and is in negotiations with the candidate. He will be making an announcement very shortly about that position.
  • Provost Arden reported that the fourth candidate was here today for the Senior Director of Campus Community Centers under the structure of OIED. We are bringing Multicultural Student Affairs, African American Culture Center, GLBT Center, and Women’s Center together under a senior director who will report directly to the Vice Provost. That is a new position that the Provost authorized. There have been four candidates for that position and Amy Circosta will be moving ahead with that search. Dr. Mullen has hired a new head for the Department of Music. The announcement is expected to be made next week.
  • Provost Arden stated that four finalists have been in for the Director of the Shelton Leadership Program position, which is one of the programs that reports to Vice Provost Tom Miller. He has made a decision and that announcement is expected within the next ten days or so.
  • Provost Arden stated that they are making a lot of preparations to coordinate the visit from Dr. Spellings. Her office has requested some very specific requirements about how that is to be conducted. There will be a very good faculty session with representatives from every college and the three Executive Officers from the Faculty Senate, so it will be a very good and open exchange.
  • Provost Arden stated that the Chancellor has asked him to reach out to the units across colleges and see if there are any tangible impacts of House Bill 2 on the institutions. There are a few individuals who have already decided that maybe North Carolina is not the best place to come, which is very disappointing. He said the state of Mississippi has also enacted a Religious Freedom Act, so we are obviously not alone in states that are struggling with some of these issues. He feels that it is important to make sure that we look critically at the impact that it has on us as an institution and to be able to justify why as a flagship institution we might want to think a little bit differently about that.

6. Old and New Business

  1. The Faculty Senate Executive Committee opted to not pursue removing Dixie from the Alma Mater. This issue has been referred to the students (Khari Cyrus) and the Alumni Association. Comments from Senator Smith McKoy Senator Smith McKoy stated that she has taken the liberty of researching Alma Maters of other southern state universities (handout) and as you look over them you will note that NC State is the only Alma Mater in the southern realm of the country that has this detestable term. The universities included in the handout are the University of North Carolina, Ole Miss, University of Georgia, University of Florida, and Louisiana - universities like ours that have a similar history, having been found in similar circumstances. So, for me this is more than an issue that relates to students, it is an issue that actually relates to the faculty. We are asked to stand before people gathered to celebrate our graduates to sing this song. It does represent our university as I say in the justification. It is a part of our digital imprint and I don’t think that it represents us very well and it doesn’t represent the sentiments that I think the university upholds every day and so I would love to hear from others. I think a general focus of the upper administration for a vote to think about how this university issue impacts our ability to try to attract and retain a diverse faculty and premiere our students for a global world that we encounter. I would like to hear from others. I would like to bring this perhaps for a vote today, if at all possible while we have a quorum, but I would certainly like to hear from senators and the guests as to how you feel about this resolution. There was much discussion on the issue. Senator Smith McKoy stated that perhaps it would be advisable for us to have a statement that we find the term to be offensive and that we support a different alma mater for our university. Chair Moore stated that today will count as the first reading of the resolution. The second reading and a discussion/vote will take place at the next meeting.
  2. Update on modifications to the Faculty Grievance and Non-Reappointment Review regulation (REG 05.25.04) - Governance and Personnel Policy Chair Moore stated that the committee spent a lot of time discussing and improving the regulation. She noted that the report is being circulated through the proper channels.
  3. Final recommendation of the Academic Policy Committee relative to UCCC (University Courses and Curricula Committee), CUE (Council on Undergraduate Education), and the GEP (General Education Program) - see Appendix A During the 2015-16 academic year, the Academic Policy Committee (APC) of the Faculty Senate has been reviewing the processes by which courses and curricula get approved at the university level. This discussion was initiated because of concerns regarding faculty curricular oversight and faculty governance. In addition, particular concern had been expressed regarding the process of approving courses for inclusion on the General Education Program (GEP) lists. Chair Moore stated that the committee put the report forward to be sent from the Chair to the Provost.
  4. Results of discussion with the authors of the new Proposed Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace regulation The Governance and Personnel Policy Committee has put together a resolution and is presenting it today as the first reading. Senator Fleisher stated that they basically feel that this should only apply to people who are in safety sensitive and security positions. Senator Williams stated that they wrote the regulation because there were people in sensitive positions in federal agencies that required these kinds of standards. Our recommendation to them was to go back and write two policy statements; one for those people who are in safety sensitive positions and one for the rest of us. Chair Moore stated that we are in compliance. The resolve in this resolution is that this not be implemented. She noted that the regulation needs serious work before being implemented, if it’s going to be implemented at all. This will be counted as the first reading. The resolution will be on the agenda of the next meeting for a second reading and a vote.
  5. Update on discussion relative to DASA (Division of Academic and Student Affairs) proposal to use space in the D.H. Hill Library - Resources and Environment Resources and Environment Committee: Senator Moore gave the update on the discussion relative to DASA’s proposal to use space in the DH Hill Library. Provost Arden attended their meeting and gave them the background on how this came about. Senator Moore stated that through the strategic plan they realized that DASA needed to have more centralized space for students, which makes sense. When the architects did their space survey they identified D.H. Hill as one of the places on campus that was under-utilized. At that point the Provost asked Susan Nutter and Mike Mullen to work together to envision how this space might look in DH Hill, because this is an ensuing need, something that we need to get out ahead of because our peer institutions already have this. So, between Provost Arden asking the Vice Chancellor and the Vice Provost to work together and the last Library Committee meeting, a miscommunication has occurred that DASA and the Provost were acting on their own to locate in the library, which was not the case from the very beginning. No firm plans have been made, no agreements have been made and nothing has been finalized. Senator Bernhard thanked the Provost for attending the meeting. He further reported that the University Library Committee will meet Thursday of next week when the architects will be there with several different plans for this. Also included will be people from DASA and people from the Libraries.
  6. Electing faculty members to Faculty Assembly and to the Council on Athletics Chair Moore stated that we will be electing members to the Faculty Assembly and the Council on Athletics now that the elections have concluded. The Senators can solicit faculty members to serve in those roles, so an announcement will be sent out to solicit faculty names to serve. Chair Moore announced that the first vote on the Executive Committee will also take place in the next meeting. g. Discussion of University College and Faculty Senate representation: Separate Senators or remain in General Constituency? Chair Moore stated that the Senate is set up to have representatives from every college, so earlier in the year there was a discussion that since the University College is a degree granting college that has faculty and a dean, they should have Faculty Senate representation. The formula for determining how many senators that each college has is based on the number of faculty and the number of students, and the minimum is two, so if University College is granted representation rather than having their members in the General Constituency, we would have two additional senators. The one degree that they were granting is being moved out of University College and is going back to the College of Natural Resources. So, now that they are not a degree granting college it is a little hard to sort out, so that is the discussion we need to have. After much discussion on the issue the consensus of the faculty was that the University College have their own senators. A motion was made and seconded that University College be represented separate from the General Constituency and have 2 senators. The motion passed with unanimous support. The vote was 22 yes and 0 no. Roy Baroff, Faculty Ombuds stated that the search for a student ombuds is ongoing, that the students will have a full time student ombuds by next spring.

7. Adjournment

A motion passed to adjourn at 4:21 p.m.
Office of the Faculty Senate
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