Resolution of Commendation
for Dr. Daniel L. Solomon
Whereas: Dan Solomon, Dean of the College of Sciences, has distinguished himself over a period of thirty-three years of service to North Carolina State University, and
Whereas: he has provided leadership as head of the Department of Statistics (1981-1993), Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and then Dean in the former College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PAMS) (2000-2013) and in 2013, became the inaugural Dean of the College of Sciences, and
Whereas: he has a longstanding record of encouragement and support of faculty scholarly research activities as Department Head, Associate Dean and Dean, and
Whereas: throughout his career he has been a champion of excellence in teaching as evidenced by his early engagement with the Hewlett Initiative, which was critical to the participation of a wider group of faculty and the Initiative’s ultimate success, and
Whereas: he has been a driving force in developing and promoting effective teaching methods, expanding research and graduate programs, diversifying the science and mathematics workforce, and driving the university-wide emphasis on convergence science that solves great societal problems, and
Whereas: he was honored by his national peers in 2010 with the Founders Award from the American Statistical Association and was a key figure in the founding of the National Institute of Statistical Sciences, continuing to serve on its board of trustees, and currently chairs the Governing Board of the National Science Foundation’s Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, and
Whereas: he has promoted, developed or led a wide array of activities designed to diversify the STEM pipeline and the science student body and faculty so as to create a more inclusive and welcoming community, and enhance work-life balance, and
Whereas: at the 2010 annual Sisterhood Dinner he received the Equity for Women Award in recognition for outstanding leadership in establishing equity for women at NC State University, and
Whereas: he was instrumental in development the College of Sciences and as Dean has led the College toward its goal of becoming a world-class institution, therefore
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of NC State University hereby expresses its deep appreciation for the numerous contributions of Dean Solomon to the university, and commends his exemplary achievements as an educator, researcher and administrator at NC State University.