Resolution for a University Standing Committee on
Lectures and Speakers
Whereas university wide lectures enhance the education and sense of community of North Carolina State University faculty, staff and students, and
Whereas a high quality annual lecture is already sponsored by the Harrelson Fund, which is a North Carolina State University Standing Committee, and
Whereas several, often loosely coordinated lectures are currently offered by diverse groups across the campuses of North Carolina State University, and
Whereas the upcoming Capital Campaign offers a unique opportunity to expand endowed lectures by prominent scholars and other individuals, and
Therefore be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of North Carolina State University supports the establishment of a University Standing Committee on Lectures and Speakers. This committee would expand on the mandate of the Harrelson Fund Committee and support efforts of other currently active lecture committees. Furthermore, in coordination with the office of University Advancement and its central role in the upcoming Capital Campaign, as well as support for these efforts by North Carolina State University’s central administration, the University Standing Committee on Lectures and Speakers would coordinate and focus expansion of university wide lectures and ensure that these lectures are widely publicized and made available to the entire North Carolina