R6: Resolution on Funding Library Services

Faculty Senate Resolution on Funding Library Services

Whereas, the opening of the Hunt Library on Centennial Campus has increased the need for staffing to maintain services for two libraries, and

Whereas, since the Hunt Library opened there has been a 14% decrease in staffing from the number previously employed operating just the D.H. Hill Library, and

Whereas, the consequence of under-staffing has been reduced hours of access to both libraries for all students and faculty, and

Whereas, a major student complaint about the libraries is their early closings, and

Whereas, students ejection from a library at midnight exposes them to undue risk, therefore

Be it resolved, that restoration of library staffing to levels adequate to serve both D.H. Hill and Hunt Libraries be a high priority for future resource allocations; in addition, the administration is encouraged to consider a student fee and/or increasing the library’s allocation from the Education and Technology fee.