December 1, 2015

Meeting Agenda


1. Call to Order

Jeannette Moore, Chair of the Faculty

2. Introductory remarks

Guests introduce themselves

3. Announcements

Topics the committees are addressing are listed on the 2nd page of the agenda. Minutes from each meeting will be posted on the Faculty Senate website. b. See the 2nd page of the agenda each week for announcements of interest to faculty.

4. Approval of the Minutes, Regular Meeting N6 of the 62nd Session, November 17, 2015

Darby Orcutt, Secretary of the Faculty

5. Provost's Remarks and Q/A

Warwick Arden, Provost

6. Senate Discussion / Status of Committee Items

Academic Policy Committee - Sarah Ash and Alton Banks, Co-Chairs  IOC 1508a: Faculty Governance of Curricula and Courses  SenIssue7: Disability Services (burdens placed on faculty)  Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) and the General Education Program; do we need to recommend any process changes? b. Governance and Personnel Policy Committee - Paul Williams and Lonnie Fleisher  Proposed Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace regulation for NC State University employees [out of committee; authors are doing major revisions]  Evaluate the Procedure for Formatting, Adopting, and Publishing Policies, Regulations, and Rules (REG 01.25.05) [incorporate Best Practices of Shared Governance]  Faculty Grievance & Non-Reappointment Working Group [Nov 30 meeting] Resources and Environment Committee - Marguerite Moore and Darby Orcutt  Transportation and Parking discussion (includes IOC 1508b Loss of Faculty/Staff parking in the North Hall lot)  SenIssue8: Policies and progress on sustainability

7. Old and New Business

8. Issues of concern

a. All ongoing Issues of Concern are listed on the Faculty Senate Website at: (fourth on the list of main links) b. New Issues of Concern (if any)

9. Adjourn

NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY Faculty Senate Calendar and Announcements December 1, 2015

CALENDAR 12/3/2015 3:00 pm Thursday:

Executive Committee

in 2320 D.H. Hill - Jeannette Moore, Chair 1/12/2016

Faculty Senate Meeting

at 3:00 pm in 2320 D.H. Hill - Jeannette Moore, Chair 1/19/2016

Committee meetings - Topics may be adjusted after the Dec 1 Senate meeting: ACADEMIC POLICY COMMITTEE

- Sarah Ash and Alton Banks, Co-Chairs 3:00 pm in 210 Dabney on Tuesday, 1/19/2016
  1. IOC 1411c: Faculty involvement in process of degree consolidation
  2. b. IOC 1508a: Faculty Governance of Curricula and Courses [was main topic 11/10/2015]
  3. Council on Undergraduate Education (CUE) and the General Education Program; do we need to recommend any process changes?


- Lloyd Fleisher and Paul Williams, Co-Chairs 3:00 pm in 2320 D.H. Hill on Tuesday, 1/19/2016
  1. Proposed Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace regulation for NC State University employees
[out of committee; authors are doing major revisions]
  1. b. Evaluate the Procedure for Formatting, Adopting, and Publishing Policies, Regulations, and Rules (REG 01.25.05) [out of committee; recommendations to include the Best Practices of Shared Governance will be reviewed by General Counsel before coming to the Senate]
  2. Faculty Grievance & Non-Reappointment Working Group / Discussion on improvements;
group met November 30th
  1. d. Sen.Issue1: Faculty duties support people once did [current main topic]
  2. SenIssue6: Number of NTT/adjunct/temporary faculty & trends; also TT faculty trends


- Marguerite Moore and Darby Orcutt, Co-Chairs 3:00 pm in 2108 D.H. Hill (East Wing) on Tuesday, 1/19/2016
  1. Transportation and Parking discussion (includes IOC 1508b Loss of Faculty/Staff parking in the North Hall lot) [was main topic 11/10]
  2. SenIssue8: Policies and progress on sustainability
  1. Looking ahead: The Spring Faculty Meeting will be March 1st at 3 pm (location TBA).

Executive Summary

1. Call to Order

Chair Moore, called the seventh meeting of the sixty-second session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Introductory Remarks

Chair Moore asked all visitors to introduce themselves.

 3. Announcements

Chair Moore announced that the spring Faculty meeting will be March 1st at 3 p.m. She also noted that it was one year ago today when the NC State faculty ombuds begin developing and opened the NC State ombuds office. Roy Baroff, University Ombuds commented that he still has a lot of work to do to get the word out about the Faculty Ombuds office. Chair Moore announced that Roy Baroff sent a thank you to the Faculty Senate for taking the initiative to get the faculty ombuds position created. Chair Moore announced that Darby Orcutt has agreed to serve on the Outstanding Teaching Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor committee. Chair Moore presented the immediate Past Chair of the Faculty, David Zonderman, with an engraved gavel to express appreciation for his services to the faculty over the past two years.

 4. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No. 6, November 17, 2015

Secretary Orcutt asked for approval of the minutes for regular meeting number 6 of the 62nd session of the NC State Faculty Senate. The minutes were approved.

 5. Comments from Michael Mullen, Vice Chancellor, Academic Student Afffairs

Dr. Mullen commented on the recent activity around diversity and racism issues that has been plaguing a number of campuses. He stated that there is a lot of conversation going on particularly among the students on campus. They (Chancellor, Provost, and Mullen) have had a number of conversations with different groups concerning some of these issues. He noted that there are students on this campus who feel that there are racism issues as well as bias issues that they want to make sure the administration is addressing.

 6. Senate Discussion/Status of Committee Items

Academic Policy Committee Senator Sarah Ash reported that the Academic Policy committee has had two primary issues so far. The primary issue and the larger of the two has involved the faculty role relative to courses and curriculum review. There have been some concerns expressed that the office of undergraduate courses and curriculum plays too large of a role in courses and curricula. The committee was tasked with looking at how courses and curricula are reviewed. Senator Ash reported that the committee has discussed the General Education Program and the Council on Undergraduate Education which oversees it, which is undergoing some growing pains. The current General Education Program is about six years old and there have been some issues, particularly around diversity. They are seeing more one credit hour classes that are being approved and there is a lot of controversy about whether that is appropriate, which is leading them down this path of whether it is time to revisit the General Education Program. Senator Ash stated that there were some concerns about the reporting structure and whether it was appropriate for Vice Chancellor Mullen to oversee courses and curricula, given that he is also overseeing a college that has its own courses and curricula. He has made the committee comfortable that it is okay and that what happens relative to his office is not unusual as compared to other institutions around the country. Senator Ash reported that another issue the committee discussed was related to the Office of Disability Services. They invited Mike Newmiller, Director of DSL, to one of their meetings to discuss some of the issues that faculty have raised concerns about regarding things like having to have closed captioning for movies, videos, etc., and the short answer is to check with DSL. Faculty are expected to provide that closed captioning for students. DSL is more than willing to help out. Governance and Personnel Policy Committee Senator Paul Williams reported that the committee addressed a couple of issues. The most significant issue discussed was the proposed regulation on drug and alcohol free workplaces. They had a lively conversation with the people who drafted the proposal and they learned some things, such as why the initial proposal seemed fairly draconian. The committee is awaiting a new draft of the policy. Senator Williams stated that the other issue is on the faculty grievance and non-reappointment working group. The current name of the committee is the 604-607 Committee. They had a meeting yesterday morning to talk about changes that they might want to recommend. He said they pretty much agreed that a mediation process would be a helpful first step before it leads into a situation where a committee has to be appointed. Senator Williams stated that the committee met to draft a revision to the regulation of regulations. Regulation 01.25.05, specifies in essence how regulations are to be processed and the committee drafted a new version to integrate the statement of principles and faculty governance that was agreed to in the last couple of months. The committee has a draft that has been discussed at the Executive Committee meeting and it will be sent back to Legal Affairs. Senator Williams stated that another issue raised was the increase in faculty duties that support people used to do. The committee had a discussion and found that this issue may differ depending on who you talk to. The committee is still working on this issue. Resources and Environment Committee Senator Margaret Moore reported that the Resources and Environment Committee had two main issues. The first issue is the transportation and parking discussion that they had over the Aloft’s spaces. They met with Director of Transportation Cathy Reeves and Greg Cane and found that University Real Estate made a deal with the Aloft hotel to provide them thirty spaces at night for valet parking, so it’s an ongoing conversation with the Director of Transportation. The second issue that the committee addressed was to look at developments regarding sustainability. The committee met with Jack Colby and he explained that the university is moving forward with the sustainability plans from an isolated activities base approach to more of a coordinated strategic strategy.

 7. Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Present: Chair Moore, Secretary Orcutt, Parliamentarian Lubischer, Past Chair Zonderrman, Senators Ange-van Heugten, Ash, Auerbach, Banks, Bartlett, Bernhard, Bullock, Bykova, Cubbage,Davidian., Fath, Hergeth, Huffman, Kathariou, Moore, Pearce, Perros, Porter, Scearce, Smith, Smith McKoy, Sotillo, Steer, Williams Excused: Provost Arden; Senators Fleisher, Bird Absent: Senators Argyropoulos, Byrnes, Devetsikiotis, Gunter, Laffitte, Silverberg, Sannes, Spontak Guests: Marcia Gumpertz, assistant vice Provost for Faculty Diversity; Roy Baroff, Faculty Ombuds; Michael Mullen, Vice Chancellor, Academic Student Affairs; Duane Larick, Senior Vice Provost, Academic Strategy & Resource Management; Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Alison Blaine, Virginia Ferris, Eka Grguric, Josephine McRobbie, Todd Stoffer, Madison Sullivan, and Heidi Tebbe, Libraries Fellows; Mark Newmiller, Director of Disability Services  

 1. Call to Order

Chair Moore, called the seventh meeting of the sixty-second session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Introductory Remarks

Chair Moore asked visitors to introduce themselves.

3. Announcements

Chair Moore announced that the spring Faculty meeting will be March 1st at 3 p.m. She also noted that it was one year ago today when the NC State faculty ombuds begin developing and opened the NC State ombuds office. Roy Baroff, University Ombuds commented that he still has a lot of work to do to get the word out about the Faculty Ombuds office. He encouraged the faculty to invite him to departmental meetings so he can introduce himself and learn more about the university.   Chair Moore announced that Roy Baroff sent a thank you to the Faculty Senate for taking the initiative to get the faculty ombuds position created. Chair Moore announced that Darby Orcutt has agreed to serve on the Outstanding Teaching Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor committee. Chair Moore presented the immediate Past Chair of the Faculty, David Zonderman, with an engraved gavel to express appreciation for his services to the faculty over the past two years.

4. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No. 6, November 17, 2015

Secretary Orcutt asked for a motion to approve the minutes for regular meeting number 6 of the 62nd session of the NC State Faculty Senate. The minutes were approved.

 5. Comments from Michael Mullen, VC for Academic Student Affairs

Dr. Mullen commented on the recent activity around diversity and racism issues that has been plaguing a number of campuses. He stated that there is a lot of conversation going on particularly among the students on campus. They (Chancellor, Provost, and Mullen) have had a number of conversations with different groups concerning some of these issues. He said there are students on this campus who feel that there are some racism issues as well as bias issues that they want to make sure the administration is addressing. Dr. Mullen stated that the Chancellor’s liaison group had a meeting a few weeks ago and had a long conversation about this issue on our campus and one of the things that got a lot of conversation was, are we doing enough in terms of diversity education. Dr. Mullen stated that there was an off campus party where the theme was “Country Folk versus Black Gangsters” that caused a bit of concern. He plans to attend an African American council meeting this afternoon. He stated that they will continue to have these conversations to move forward with ways that everyone can engage in positive conversations around race, diversity, and inclusion on this campus. He noted that like many campuses, NC State’s administration is having conversations with our students about issues that are a concern to them.   Comments from Duane Larick   Dr. Larick reported on the searches that are in progress. He reported that there are four dean searches. The Colleges of Education and Design searches are in the process of getting underway. The first candidate for the Poole College of Management position is in. The second candidate is scheduled for mid-December.   Dr. Larick reported that there are three candidates for the College of Textile search with the first one being on campus today. The second will be on campus tomorrow and the third candidate will be here on December 3rd and 4th.   Dr. Larick announced that Scott Douglas has been named the new Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and will start mid-January. The search for the Vice Provost for the Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity is just getting started. Dr. Larick reported that with Karen Helm’s departure, they are going to move that position to an Associate Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation and the position in the interim will report to him.   Questions and Comments   Is the college required to have three candidates for a Dean search?   Dr. Larick stated that there are guidelines for how dean searches are conducted. There are guidelines for the appointment of committees. The guidelines recommend, but it is not required.  

6. Senate Discussion/Status of Committee Items

  Academic Policy Committee   Senator Sarah Ash reported that the Academic Policy committee has had two primary issues so far. The primary issue and the larger of the two has involved the faculty role relative to courses and curriculum review. There have been some concerns expressed that the office of undergraduate courses and curriculum plays too large of a role in courses and curricula. The committee was tasked with looking at how courses and curricula are reviewed.   Senator Ash stated that in addition to the office of courses and curriculum, we have Barbara Kirby, at the administrative level. We also have two faculty standing committees, UCCC (the Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum Committee) and CUE (the Council on Undergraduate Education). One of the issues that was brought to the committee was perhaps changing the reporting structure for these two committees and instead of going through the Office of Undergraduate Courses and Curriculum, perhaps it should come straight through the Faculty Senate. They met with Barbara Kirby and representatives from Registration and Records to get a sense of the process. The first conclusion they came to was be careful what you wish for because there is a huge amount of reporting, recording, assessment, collection of data that the Office of Courses and Curriculum has to deal with and the faculty is not set up to do that sort of thing. She said they learned from Registration and Records that students had come to R&R to complain about 8 semester displays that were not up to date, which is a faculty responsibility that is not being met. Registration and Records is working on a planning tool for students to use through My-Pack Portal and it will be very much dependent on an eight semester display.   Senator Ash reported that the committee has discussed the General Education Program and the Council on Undergraduate Education which oversees it, which is undergoing some growing pains. The current General Education Program is about six years old and there have been some issues, particularly around diversity. The diversity issue has become a challenge, trying to determine what does or does not meet the diversity requirement. There have been some recent issues around the interdisciplinary perspective requirement and a lot of this is driven by issues around the need to have assessment procedures in place. CUE has been working on looking at the adjustments to the diversity requirement. They have talked about it may be time to think about the General Education Program more broadly. She said some things are going to have to be done about diversity, which currently exists as a co-requisite and what has happened over the years, because there aren’t enough three credit hour courses to meet that requirement. They are seeing more one credit hour classes that are being approved and there is a lot of controversy about whether that is appropriate, which is leading them down this path of whether it is time to revisit the General Education Program.   Senator Ash stated that it might also be time to think about the structure more generally of UCCC, which oversees courses and curricula and CUE, which oversees general education, which currently are two distinct standing committees. The committee talked with Mike Mullen about making the general education oversight simply a subcommittee of UCCC to try to streamline that whole process and that also led to a discussion about making sure that these committees are constituted with faculty who are engaged and committed to the process of courses and curricula. The next steps will be to look at a committee to review the general structure of UCCC and CUE and to possibly consider changes to general education.   Senator Ash stated that there were some concerns about the reporting structure and whether it was appropriate for Vice Chancellor Mullen to oversee courses and curricula, given that he is also overseeing a college that has its own courses and curricula. She said he has made them pretty comfortable that it is okay and that what happens relative to his office is not unusual as compared to other institutions around the country, and that he is separate regarding courses and curricula within the college. There shouldn’t be any concern for conflict of interest relative to that.   Senator Ash reported that another issue the committee discussed was related to the Office of Disability Services. They invited Mike Newmiller, Director of DSL, to one of their meetings to discuss some of the issues that faculty have raised concerns about regarding things like having to have closed captioning for movies, videos, etc., and the short answer is to check with DSL. Faculty are expected to provide that closed captioning for students. DSL is more than willing to help out. Mark Newmiller is working on some training videos for faculty. The committee is also working with DELTA to try to facilitate some of the issues.   Questions and Comments   Past Chair Zonderman - You said there may be an effort to look at both combining CUE and UCCC and or revisit general education. How do we move that forward? Is a formal resolution needed from the Faculty Senate?   Senator Ash response that that would be helpful.   Senator Auerbach suggested taking a straw poll of the Senate as to whether they think it will be worthwhile to redo general education. Chair Moore stated that instead of a straw poll, she thinks some input would be more appropriate. Secretary Orcutt stated that it is well worth looking at, but not necessarily worth revising it completely. He noted that he chaired UCCC through the process of doing this six years ago and at that time there were some things that people were not 100 percent comfortable with, so there was always a plan to revisit some of these issues, particularly diversity, the global and international pieces, and the interdisciplinary perspectives, so we may want to think carefully about what are the pieces that we think are worth that time and attention.   Senator Cubbage stated that he thinks it’s definitely worth revisiting. He thinks general education is the thing that is slowing down the upper level rate to graduation more than anything.   Senator Bullock asked what would be the primary goal in revisiting.   Senator Ash stated that from her perspective, having been on CUE this year, seeing courses come through for approval that generated a tremendous amount of controversy (the two categories, diversity and interdisciplinary perspectives), for her, the interdisciplinary perspectives category is frustrating because they get these courses and people would say it’s a great course, but it doesn’t meet these very specific guidelines that have been created under this category and because of this need for assessment we put up these restrictions that have a real chilling effect in some ways on the opportunity for students to be able to take a wide variety of interesting and good courses. Then diversity is a whole separate issue because of how that played out relative to just the lack of availability of courses.   Senator Bullock – So in the revisiting will the recommendation be from the Faculty Senate to whom?   Senator Ash stated that the recommendation would be to Vice Chancellor Mullen or the Provost.   Senator Smith McKoy stated that if we could educate people and committees as to what the faculty need in terms of what we are looking for, that would be useful. Also the general education requirements have caused a lot of difficulty, particularly with low enrollments and people are scrambling to create courses to meet the general education, the IPGK for instance, the shell courses, when in fact the substance of what we want to teach in departments may or may not be happening in the general education. We also need to address the global issues. If you think about what is happening in this day and time these are critical issues. So these things could happen in conversation with each other looking at what we are seeing in committee as well as the general education requirement with the goal of addressing some of these long standing problems.   Senator Ash added that she thinks it is a really good point that when you have a system in place such that one year something goes through because of the make-up of the committee and the next year the same course would not go through because of the make-up of the committee, that says that there is some fundamental problem.   Governance and Personnel Policy Committee   Senator Paul Williams reported that the committee addressed a couple of issues. The most significant issue discussed was the proposed regulation on drug and alcohol free workplaces. They had a lively conversation with the people who drafted the proposal and they learned some things, such as why the initial proposal seemed fairly draconian. That is because the necessity to draft this proposal has to do with largely federal regulations with respect to certain grants that are offered and certain specialized people, such as people that handle hazardous materials. There are pretty stringent requirements in terms of alcohol and drug use. The problem with the policy is that it was written more for that group of individuals, but it is offered up as a policy for all of us, which in many cases it is irrelevant. So, they listened to us and we listened to them and they realized that it has to be a more nuanced policy because you have different groups of faculty for whom the requirements need to be stringent and some that don’t need to be so stringent, so they have gone back and they are going to redraft a policy that will take those differences into account. The committee is awaiting a new draft of the policy.   Senator Williams stated that the other issue is on the faculty grievance and non-reappointment working group. The current name of the committee is the 604-607 Committee. They had a meeting yesterday morning to talk about changes that they might want to recommend. He said one of the major points of discussion was to see if there are ways that these issues, particularly grievance issues, could be resolved without going to some sort of formal hearing, so one of the major topics of conversation yesterday was to include, as a step one in this process, a mediation approach. The question then arises as to the timing of when that should happen because there is a sixty day window from when the event occurs to when you have to file a grievance. He said they pretty much agreed that a mediation process would be a helpful first step before it leads into a situation where a committee has to be appointed.   Chair Moore stated that Sarah Lannom from the Office of General Counsel is going to put forth the proposed revisions and that will come to the Senate.   Senator Williams stated that the committee met to draft a revision to the regulation of regulations. Regulation 01.25.05, specifies in essence how regulations are to be processed and the committee drafted a new version to integrate the statement of principles and faculty governance that was agreed to in the last couple of months. The committee has a draft that has been discussed at the Executive Committee meeting and it will be sent back to Legal Affairs.   Katharine Stewart, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, stated that the offices of the Provost and Legal Affairs have the draft and she will be reporting back to the committee.   Senator Williams stated that one issue raised was, will the University College have Faculty Senate representatives. That issue has not yet been resolved.   Senator Williams stated that another issue raised was the increase in faculty duties that support people used to do. The committee had a discussion and found that this issue may differ depending on who they talk to. He said they need to develop a more comprehensive inventory about what is the nature of this problem. Senator Williams said one thing that is clear is that with grant administration a lot of the paperwork that used to be done by others is now being done by faculty. The committee is still working on this issue.   Senator Cubbage: Were you able to get any information on grievances? I was wondering if we could get some of that information.   Senator Williams responded that they can request the information.   Senator Cubbage stated that it appears that they are trying to set a new process to avoid the problem of having grievances.   Chair Moore stated that the goal is to get things resolved.   Roy Baroff stated that he is an ex officio of the committee and what they are trying to do is to create a process that is clear and more streamlined than the one that exists and that would create opportunities to resolve things informally, and if not, have a clear path to resolve them formally through a committee structure. He noted that Senator Cubbage’s comment is well worth thinking about in terms of how some things get structured. He said from his perspective as faculty ombuds, one of his goals is to think about how to do conflict better, and part of that is having a working grievance program that can address issues for faculty and from his perspective include that informal step.   Senator Williams stated that the university is required to have a grievance policy and what the committee is doing now is revising the current policy.   Vice Provost Larick added that if the Provost’s Office gets an official request from the Senate for data, they will do their best to provide it.   Resources and Environment Committee   Senator Margaret Moore reported that the Resources and Environment Committee had two main issues. The first issue is the transportation and parking discussion that they had over the Aloft’s spaces. They met with Director of Transportation Cathy Reeves and Greg Cane and found that University Real Estate made a deal with the Aloft hotel to provide them thirty spaces at night for valet parking. They have done some studies which have indicated that the parking has not been affected.                                                                              It’s an ongoing conversation with the Director of Transportation.   The second issue that the committee addressed was to look at developments regarding sustainability. The committee met with Jack Colby and he explained that the university is moving forward with the sustainability plans from an isolated activities base approach to more of a coordinated strategic strategy. He is going to appoint a sustainability council that will come from groups all over the university including academics, operations, planning, campus design, communication, community and culture and leadership. Secretary Orcutt added that there will be subcommittees of that sustainability council and their membership will be open to the university community as well.   Questions and comments   Senator Ash: Does sustainability includes food waste?   Senator Moore responded yes.   Senator Bernhard stated that he has attended all of the CEST meetings and with regards to food, the university appears to be doing a very good job with the people in the dormitories. The topic of food does come up in the meeting. The whole matter is very complex.  

7. Adjourn

  The meeting adjourned at 4 p.m.
Office of the Faculty Senate
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