March 24, 2015

Executive Summary

1. Call to Order

Chair Zonderman called the eleventh meeting of the sixty-first session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Remarks and Announcements

Chair Zonderman welcomed Senators and guests. The next Faculty Senate meeting will be on Centennial Campus in the Monteith Research Center, Room 246.

3. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No 10, February 10, 2015

A motion passed to approve the minutes

4. Presentations

Disability Service Office Mark Newmiller, Director of the Disability Services Office, discussed the impact of an increase in the number of students registering with the DSO and what they have done to respond. DSO has responded with the following changes. Clockwork Database
  • More than doubled the daily testing spaces available from 12 to 27
  • Work with campus partners to secure additional space during final exams
  • Request Departments and Colleges to check for available space before utilizing DSO
  • Provide proctors to departments and colleges that have the space to provide testing accommodations for multiple students
Faculty Athletics Representative Dr. Roby Sawyers, Faculty Athletics Representative, provided an annual report to the Faculty Senate on the academic performance of student athletes, equity issues surrounding Title IX along with various NCAA and ACC issues. The report is available online at

5. Old/New Business

Election of Secretary of the Faculty Chair Elect Moore reported that two names were submitted to run for Secretary of the Faculty and one person had to withdraw after being elected Editor of a National Journal.  The one candidate left was Darby Orcutt, Assistant Head of Collection Management, DH Hill Library. A motion was made and seconded to accept Senator Orcutt by acclamation.  The motion passed without dissent. Resolution to Recommend a University Standing Committee on Lectures and Speakers The resolution was presented for a first reading and discussion. The resolution will be presented for a second reading at the next meeting. Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Betsy Brown A motion passed to waive a second reading of the resolution. The motion passed unanimously to approve the resolution. Student Senate Resolution #42 – “Indigenous Peoples’ Day A motion was made and seconded to endorse the resolution. After much discussion the motion passed to endorse the resolution. BOG Proposed Policy on Chancellor Searches Chair Zonderman stated that the Board of Governors proposed some substantive revisions in the way Chancellor searches are conducted at all constituency campuses.  The BOG wants to rewrite the policy, which will give them more of a day to day role in the Chancellor search process on each campus, whereas the current policy basically says that each campus runs the search and then presents candidates to the President of the System who in turn presents them to the Board of Governors to name a Chancellor. The senators provided feedback on the issue.  The Governance Committee will present a resolution at the next meeting.

6. Adjourn

A motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order

Chair Zonderman called the eleventh meeting of the sixty-first session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.

2. Remarks and Announcements

Chair Zonderman welcomed Senators and guests. The next Faculty Senate meeting will be on Centennial Campus in the Monteith Research Center, Room 246.

3. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No 10, February 10, 2015

A motion passed to approve the minutes

4. Presentations

Disability Service Office Mark Newmiller, Director of the Disability Services Office, discussed the impact of an increase in the number of students registering with the DSO and what they have done to respond. DSO has responded with the following changes. Clockwork Database
  • More than doubled the daily testing spaces available from 12 to 27
  • Work with campus partners to secure additional space during final exams
  • Request Departments and Colleges to check for available space before utilizing DSO
  • Provide proctors to departments and colleges that have the space to provide testing accommodations for multiple students
Faculty Athletics Representative Dr. Roby Sawyers, Faculty Athletics Representative, provided an annual report to the Faculty Senate on the academic performance of student athletes, equity issues surrounding Title IX along with various NCAA and ACC issues. The report is available online at

5. Old/New Business

Election of Secretary of the Faculty Chair Elect Moore reported that two names were submitted to run for Secretary of the Faculty and one person had to withdraw after being elected Editor of a National Journal.  The one candidate left was Darby Orcutt, Assistant Head of Collection Management, DH Hill Library. A motion was made and seconded to accept Senator Orcutt by acclamation.  The motion passed without dissent. Resolution to Recommend a University Standing Committee on Lectures and Speakers The resolution was presented for a first reading and discussion. The resolution will be presented for a second reading at the next meeting. Resolution of Commendation for Dr. Betsy Brown A motion passed to waive a second reading of the resolution. The motion passed unanimously to approve the resolution. Student Senate Resolution #42 – “Indigenous Peoples’ Day A motion was made and seconded to endorse the resolution. After much discussion the motion passed to endorse the resolution. BOG Proposed Policy on Chancellor Searches Chair Zonderman stated that the Board of Governors proposed some substantive revisions in the way Chancellor searches are conducted at all constituency campuses.  The BOG wants to rewrite the policy, which will give them more of a day to day role in the Chancellor search process on each campus, whereas the current policy basically says that each campus runs the search and then presents candidates to the President of the System who in turn presents them to the Board of Governors to name a Chancellor. The senators provided feedback on the issue.  The Governance Committee will present a resolution at the next meeting.

6. Adjourn

A motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 4:50 p.m.
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