September 24, 2013
Executive Summary
1. Call to Order
Chair Zonderman called the third meeting of the sixtieth session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.2. Remarks
Chair Zonderman reminded the faculty that open enrollment for the State Health Plan begins October 1st and anyone with concerns should contact the State Health Plan or their State representative. Chair Zonderman reported that the university is making a big push for full compliance on federal grants requiring the necessary training. The push is from now until December and it involves not only federal grants, but also EPA, OSHA, and the US Chemical Safety Board.3. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No. 2, September 10, 2013
The minutes were approved as amended.4. Provost Remarks and Q/A
Provost Arden reported that they are currently moving through budget cuts and one thing that concerns him is the loss of some vacant faculty positions. Enrollment Planning Provost Arden stated that he has come to recognize over the years that enrollment planning is critically important. It is critically important to understand that the impact of our enrollment plan and our ability to achieve that plan, not just in terms of its impact on us financially, but in terms of the way it shapes us as an institution.5. UNC General Education Council
Immediate Past Chair Hans Kellner announced that Past Provost Nielsen has written a book about his time as Provost at NC State and it is available on Amazon if anyone is interested in purchasing it. Past Chair Kellner urged the faculty to start talking to people about running for the Senate, Grievance, Hearing and Chair-Elect of the Faculty. Past Chair Kellner reported that there was a Faculty Assembly meeting on Friday and the theme was “security.” The General Education Council was also discussed. Last year the Board of Governors put out a strategic plan for the University System. The plan included a number of comments regarding curriculum which involved a number of action steps that were controversial. President Ross decided that it was best to show that GA was moving into action and, to that end, he set up a General Education Council made up of administrators and faculty from every unit in the system. Past Chair Kellner and Dr. Mike Mullen will represent NC State.6. Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) “Fisher” Decision
Vice Chancellor Eileen Goldgeier reported that this summer the Supreme Court decided an academic diversity student admissions case that was anticipated to be a block buster case, but it turned out not to be such a case. She reminded the faculty of the four essential freedoms that the university has. Vice Chancellor Goldgeier explained that Abigail Fisher applied for admission to the University of Texas at Austin and was denied. She claimed she was denied on the basis of her race; she was a white female. Her claim was that the University of Texas used race in an unconstitutional way to deny her admission. What was the Fisher case? The State of Texas came out with a 10% plan which means the top ten percent of students who graduate in their public high school are entitled to admissions to one of the state public universities. The University of Texas at Austin was able to fill its freshmen class almost 80% with the top 10% plan. Demographics are very different in Texas than they are in North Carolina, so they had a very diverse class in that 75 or 80 percent. Fisher did not graduate in the top 10% of her class, therefore she got a review that the non-top ten get, which was called the Holistic Review (which is what we do on our campus). Vice Chancellor Goldgeier stated that who gets to study here is considered an academic decision. The courts will always defer to universities as it relates to academic decisions, but there is some waiver about how much deference a university gets.7. Enrollment Planning
Senior Vice Provost Duane Larick reported on the enrollment planning process. Vice Provost Larick stated that the UNC System is a biennium enrollment planning process. NC State submitted a two year enrollment plan last year for 2013-14 and 2014-15, and we are in the second year of that. We have an opportunity, hopefully, to reconsider the plan for fall of 2014, because historically the administration receives a request from GA asking us to look at the university’s census data from 2013 to see if adjustments need to be made for 2014.8. Old/New Business
Resolution on Diverse Student Body The resolution was presented for a first reading. After much discussion the Senate passed a motion with unanimous consent to accept the first reading of the amended resolution. Business Licenses for Faculty Dr. Marie Davidian raised a concern about Business Licenses for Faculty. She stated that a Processing Company out of Fresno California has been retained by MuniServices, LLC, a company contracted by the City of Raleigh to conduct a formal review looking for businesses that may be operating in the City of Raleigh without a license. She was asked to respond to a letter that she received within thirty days stating whether or not she is operating a business and if so she would need to pay the business license tax. She noted that she has given talks, have served on advisory committees, and she has also served on NRH study sessions where she receive honorariums. Dr. Davidian stated that she wanted to make the faculty aware of this concern because they need to be protected against this happening to them. Chair Zonderman stated that the Executive Committee will draft a letter of concern to the General Counsel stating that this could be a potential concern to other faculty members.9. General Faculty Meeting
Chair Zonderman encouraged the faculty to attend the General Faculty meeting on Tuesday, October 8th in G20 Kamphoefner Hall.10. Adjourn
A motion passed to adjourn the meeting at 4:46 p.mMeeting Minutes
Present: Chair Zonderman, Immediate Past Chair Kellner, Secretary Daley, Provost Arden; Senators Aday, Aspnes, Bartlett, Bernhard, Bird, Borden, Bourham, Bradley, Edwards, Fleisher, Fuentes, Funkhouser, Heitmann, Holden, Knopp, Knowles, Krause, Lafitte, Lucia, J. Moore, M. Moore, Morgado, Nfah-Abbenyi, Rucker, Sztajn, Williams Excused: Parliamentarian Weiner; Senators Ade, Allaire, Devetsikiotis, Lunardi, Penrose, Spontak, Tyler Absent: Senator Marks Guests: Duane K. Larick, Provost’s Office; Michael Mullen, Division of academic & Student Affairs; Jacob Majilees, Grad Student/MSE; Marie Davidian, Statistics; Marcia Gumpertz, OIED; David Hunt, Communications; P. J. Teal, Chancellor’s Office; Eileen Goldgeier, General Counsel; Shawn Troxler, Office of General Counsel; Betsy Brown, Provost’s Office
1. Call to Order
Chair Zonderman called the third meeting of the sixtieth session of the NC State Faculty Senate to order at 3 p.m.2. Remarks
Chair Zonderman reminded the faculty that open enrollment for the State Health Plan begins October 1st and anyone with concerns should call the State Health Plan or their State representative. Chair Zonderman reported that the university is making a big push for full compliance on federal grants requiring the necessary training. They have tried to make this training as “painless” as possible. He stated that it is a compliance issue and the push is from now until December and it involves not only federal grants, but also EPA, OSHA, and the US Chemical Safety Board.3. Approval of the Minutes, Meeting No. 2, September 10, 2013
The minutes were approved as amended.4. Provost Remarks and Q/A
Provost Arden reported that they are moving through budget cuts and stated that it is very difficult because once you get into several years of these cuts there is not much more flexibility left in the units. Provost Arden stated that one thing that concerns him is the loss of some vacant faculty positions. We need to figure out, for the long term, how to get out of this cycle. This is one of the reasons that we have not made significant gain in tenured and tenure –track faculty members in fifteen years. Provost Arden stated that we are starting to move the needle a bit through the Faculty Excellence Hiring Program, which added twenty four tenured and tenure track faculty to the university. That is something that we are going to have to pay attention to because if we continue to lose budget without replacement resources, one of the few ways that department heads and deans have to do that is to sacrifice vacant faculty positions and in some cases NTT positions as well, so the roll out impact of that is concerning. Provost Arden stated that he is also concerned about the vacant faculty lines that are often used in many other things including some operating budgets . That is often what is used for assistantships as well, within departments. This could have a snowball effect, meaning that the more we sacrifice teaching assistantships the less likely we are to meet our long term enrollment goals particularly on the graduate side. Provost Arden stated that he plans to talk a lot over the next six months about long term strategic budgeting, making sure that we do things long term and that we put our core resources where they are essential. He stated that he and Chancellor Woodson feel very strongly about maintaining faculty positions, particularly tenure-tenure track faculty positions, and in fact, growing those positions is a very high priority, as is maintaining assistantships for our graduate students, and getting on to a more firm footing with our graduate student support plan. Enrollment Planning Provost Arden stated that he has come to recognize over the years that enrollment planning is critically important. It is something that we kind of take for granted and it is also a little bit of a painful process. It is critically important to understand the impact of our enrollment plan and our ability to achieve that enrollment plan not just in terms of its impact back on us financially, but in terms of the way it shapes us as an institution. Provost Arden stated that at one time in our history it was somewhat of a mantra that we had to grow, grow, grow our undergraduate population and the concept was that it would feed enrollment growth dollars, and it did to a certain degree, but because of the way funding formula works you have to enroll a lot of undergraduates to generate a certain amount of money. That put tremendous pressure on the resources of the university both physically and human resources of the university in the first couple of years. Simply backing off to only 4200 freshmen that were admitted has had dramatic impacts on the caliber of our freshmen coming in, it also means that there is somewhere between 1100 and 1200 less first and second year students trying to get General Education courses in the first couple of years and so it has led to more of a balanced distribution of resources per student FTE, particularly in the first couple of years. Provost Arden stated that he thinks the plan that we have developed is a good plan but the flexibility in the system and our ability to actually predict student numbers on campus is going to be particularly important, so we are going to be paying a lot of attention to making sure that we refine our models as we go forward not where we can just accurately admit and enroll the correct number of students, but so we can accurately predict the number of students that are on campus at any point and time and make sure that we aim for and meet certain budget objectives.5. UNC General Education Council
Immediate Past Chair, Hans Kellner announced that Past Provost Nielsen has written a book about his time as Provost at NC State and it is available on Amazon if anyone would like to purchase it. Past Chair Kellner urged the faculty to get out and start talking to people about running for the Senate, Grievance, Hearing and Chair-Elect of the Faculty. It’s never too soon to get people thinking about it. We have to get those people out to enable us to have candidates. Past Chair Kellner reported that there was a Faculty Assembly meeting on Friday and the theme was “security.” We also talked about the General Education Council. Last year the Board of Governors put out a strategic plan for the University System. In this plan were a number of comments regarding curriculum. It involved a number of action steps, which were controversial. So President Ross decided that it was best to show that GA was moving into action and to that end he set up a General Education Council made up of administrators and faculty from every unit in the system. Past Chair Kellner and Dr. Mike Mullen will represent NC State. Past Chair Kellner stated that the purpose of this is to basically see what in terms of implementation is possible, what is desirable, and what it will cost. So, we are looking at all the items that find their way into the strategic plan and are otherwise going on. He stated that this General Education Council which he discovered is seriously misnamed because it’s actually not about General Education. If it were really about General Education we would have much more cause to be concerned. Past Chair Kellner stated that this is going to deal with the issues of core competencies. Some data have been provided on choosing the major core competencies that the core competencies committee of the General Education Council should recommend. The leaders right now are a) critical thinking and b) written communication. It is to be noted again, these are simply things that we are willing to assess. They have nothing to do with matches against courses, curriculum, and that sort of thing. We have to separate general education thinking from core competency thinking. Other aspects of the General Education Council are the interest in assessment, primarily the qualitative side, which is looking into E portfolios. All the campuses were polled as to whose doing E portfolios on campus, how extensive is it, and quantitative assessment as it were having to do with a big test that will deal with value added longitudinally through the years of the individual. This is the “academically adrift” driven part. The strategic plan recommends that we all adopt the CLA, Collegiate Learning Assessment test and so there is a subcommittee dealing with the CLA piloting project this year which is going on right now even as we speak at about a half dozen schools in the system. There is also a Core Competency Committee and they are going to make their recommendations Past Chair Kellner stated that the CLA Committee is the one that he knows best. We don’t do it here now ( we have done it here) and we give a different test here. So to change or to add a different test would be highly disruptive. One of the issues that we discussed is need this be uniformed across the system and the answer seems to be in the intention of the document is yes it does need to be uniform across the system for a number of reasons. Does it need to be the CLA? The answer in the document is not necessarily, but the CLA seems to have the inside track right now. That is pretty much where we stand. Past Chair Kellner stated that he thinks this is a difficult thing for NC State, but it looks as though things are moving toward the college learning assessment. In the committee that he chairs at the Faculty Assembly the suggestion came up, why can’t the UNC System make up its own exam. Questions Who is going to make the final decision on the assessment tool? Past Chair Kellner stated that it’s not altogether clear that anyone knows the answer to that. He thinks I the General Education Council will make recommendations to the President and that he will take these recommendations and try to sell them to the Governors. The governors will make the decisions regarding the implementation of their strategic plan, but that GA will have an important advisory role.6. Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) “Fisher” Decision
Vice Chancellor Eileen Goldgeier reported that this summer the Supreme Court decided about the last week of the session an academic diversity student admissions case and it was anticipated to be a block buster case, but it turned out not to be such a case. She reminded the faculty that the university itself has four essential freedoms.- Who may teach
- What may be taught
- How shall it be taught
- Who may be admitted to study